


[1]Zhang Huyuan, Zhang Qing, Yang Bo, et al. Compacted sewage sludge as a barrier for tailings: the heavy metal speciation and total organic carbon content in the compacted sludge specimen[J]. Plos One, 2014, 9(6): 0-e100932. (SCI, 通讯作者)

[2]Chang Guohua, Zhang Qing, Zhang Li, et al. Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)seedlings[J]. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2015, 34(4): 1142-1147. (SCI,通讯作者)

[3]Zhang Qing, Zhang Huyuan, Wang Jinfang. Diversity of bacterial structure community in the compacted sewage sludge as a barrier for tailings[J]. International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, 2019, 03:346. (EI)

[4]Zhang Qing, Zhang Huyuan, Wang Jinfang. Compacted sewage sludge as a barrier for tailing impoundment: the microbial functional diversity in the compacted sludge specimen[J]. International Congress of Environmental Geotechnics, 2019, 03:452. (EI)

[5]Zhang Qing, Chang Guohua, Gao Tianpeng, et al. Microbial community structure diversity in different sludge used as reducing barrier for tailings[J]. IEEE International Conference on Architecture, Construction, Environment and Hydraulics, 2019,12:089153. (EI)

[6]Zhang Qing,  Lv Xuemei, Wei Chongzhi, et al. Microbial community structure diversity in the dewatered sludge from 4 different waste water treatment plants used for CSRB in colder season[J]. International Conference on Advances in Energy and Environment Research, 2020, 8:102573. (EI)


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